Kerala based, Eram Scientific Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Is the company which has come up with a revolutionary product, called as ‘Delight’. Delight is an automatic public Toilet Unit, which operates on several modern technologies like, electronics, web and mobile.
These toilets will be the paid ones, and as soon as a user wants to enter the ‘Delight’, he/she will have to drop a coin, as soon as the coin is dropped, the sliding door of the toilet is opened, the lights and the exhaust fan in the toilet get into action. The other required things like a bucket, and mug is available inside the toilet. If somehow the user ends up forgetting to flush the toilet, there is automated mechanism for it as well, the system takes care of it, flushes, and sterilizes the commode too.
As of now, such units have already been installed in Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh and in several places across Kerala.
Other features of this e-Toilet, Delight are –
- Unique, Compact, and Portable.
- 45 Sq. Ft of space required for installation, which provides 15 Sq. Ft of internal area with an height of 10 feet, and allows an area of 300 Sq. Ft. for advertisement of different products.
- Automatic Payment collection facility
- Automatic Washing Mechanisms
- Water conservation mechanism, so that the water isn’t wasted, and the process is completed using the minimal water usage.
- The e-Toilet can also generate income, in form of the charges to use, and from the advertisements space it provides.
- The whole system can be remotely monitored and managed via a GPRS enabled phone or a web application.
- There are other facilities which can be enabled as per the requirement, like safety against theft of such units, water recycling unit can be installed if required, etc.
If you want you can visit the Delight Page on Eram Scientific Solutions Pvt. Ltd’s Website, also you can download the Brochure to get a detailed view of the product.
The concept looks promising, it can help the Government organization in taking care of sanitation related issues, as well as revenue generating units. Also such units can be used for the events like in case of Kumbh Mela, where such temporary arrangements can provide good revenue, and proper sanitation is ensured.