According to Telegraph Kolkata, Apple will be launching iPad in India on January 28th when almost iPad 2 is ready to be launch in the first quarter of 2011. Below are the price details of iPad in India
- iPad Wifi : The price will vary from Rs 26,000 to Rs 37,000 for 16 GB, 32 GB and 64 GB.
- iPad Wifi + 3G : It will cost between Rs 33,000 and Rs 44,000, depending on the storage capacity of 16 GB, 32 GB or 64 GB.
Looking the timing it looks like iPad is being dumped in India but according to the current trend of Tablets in India iPad will be still a winner with Samsung Galaxy at 28K now at Flipkart. Apple Lovers who had been hating apple not to launch iPad in India at least we have something. So no more asking your friends to get iPad for you from US or ordering it from eBay. Just wait for couple of days and you will have a chance to buy an iPad at the Apple Store in India.