As per Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) by 2011 almost 60000 people will be using the AIIMS metro station. The station has been constructed on the Aurobindo Marg connecting the two hospitals viz. All India Institutes of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) and Safdarjung Hospital. AIIMS station is being constructed keeping in mind that it meets the needs of the patients who visit both the hospitals.
The entrance has been made so that the patients can easily access the terminal of the metro to move to the hospitals. There will be four entrances with escalators and broad stairs. Even lifts will be provided for the patients. In total four lifts are being installed – 3 at the entrance and one available centrally. The inauguration date will be somewhere in June 2010.
DMRC has taken a great initiative for the welfare of many. AIIMS will be a friendly station for the patients and even to common mass. The patients will not have to move on the roads and once entered the metro station can easily go to the hospitals. Patients generally avoid metros because of the hectic movements. But the proposed one has lifts, escalators and even wheel chairs available.
By June 2010 we will be seeing how the common mass takes benefit from the AIIMS metro station, Delhi. Wish good luck to the DMRC.