How to book LPG Cylinder for Preferred Time Delivery

India is one of the countries where the gas cylinder is an important thing. It can be found in every Indian kitchen. Home delivery of LPG cylinders in India is the most extensive system in the world. Domestic LPG is a highly subsidized product being used by over 11.5 crore people across the country. It includes more than 50% of the population using it today. Here we are talking about Preferred Time LPG delivery, and how to book LPG Cylinder for Preferred Time Delivery.

How to book LPG Cylinder for Preferred Time Delivery

How to book LPG Cylinder for Preferred Time Delivery

Union Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas Murli Deora launched value-added service for domestic LPG customers–Preferred Time Delivery of LPG Cylinders. Under the scheme, the domestic LPG customer with KYC across the country can get the delivery of their LPG refill cylinder at home on the day and time according to their choice.

As per the scheme:

  • Gas agencies will charge a premium ranging between Rs 25 and Rs 50 per refill depending on the location and the time of delivery.
  • A customer will pay Rs 50 for the delivery sought before 8 am or between 6 pm and 8 pm on weekdays in metros.
  • On weekends the delivery charges will be Rs 25.

There are three types of customers they are looking for :

  • Preferred Time Customer
  • Preferred Day and Time Customer
  • Saturday/Sunday Preferred Customer

Here is the rate chart with time slots.

Preferred Time LPG delivery

The charges will be lower for other cities. If a gas agency fails to deliver refill on time, it will have to pay a penalty of Rs 20 to the customer. Be sure that you are at home the entire time slot you have chosen. However, if you are absent on two occasions, your booking will be canceled. And, the preferred facility will be withdrawn for six months.

The two images below explain Indane Day and Time combination of when the cylinders can be delivered.

Presently, this scheme is available in the cities of Delhi, NCR, Pune, and Bengaluru. It will be extended to Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai, and Hyderabad later this month. The rest of the country would be covered under the scheme by the end of this year.

How to book LPG Cylinder for Preferred Time Delivery

Update: The facility is now available through the country in major cities.

How to Register for Preferred Time LPG delivery scheme

You must register for the plan either by filling a form available with the distributors. The other option is by logging into the website of their respective oil companies. The sites where you can go register and avail of this scheme are :

This scheme will help the working class of Indians where there is nobody in the house to accept delivery during regular working hours.

What do you think about the scheme?

5 thoughts on “How to book LPG Cylinder for Preferred Time Delivery”

  1. I am indane gas customer, Mistakenly I choice preferred time delivery at Indane Gas website

    in my account. how to disactive ”preferred time delivery service” ?

  2. I do not really think this is practiced in India because I have talked to my HP LPG supplier in Howrah, West Bengal but I have not received any positive response from them. According to them, there is no such service available as “Preferred Time and Date” for delivery of LPG refill. They supply according to their preferred time and date. Its very problematic for working couple to handle this situation.

  3. What about the already existing type of customers? “non preferred time” or “open time” type customer ie the delivery time already in operation without any particular time slot. I don’t know why this type additional income is created from the people of this country?
    When this exploitation menace will end?

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