In Kolkata around a month or two back, few Taxi ( Cab ) have been spotted with a mini printer attached to the meter. Being curious I asked around a couple of taxi drivers about the response. Summing up most of the taxi drivers said people were hardly bothered about it only a few like me take sometimes. Moreover the mini printer has issues with paper getting stuck.
Here is what the printer and the print out looks like and then a poll :
Like you can see above it has lot of details like :
- Start Time, End Time, Waiting Time
- Fares as per chart. How much you need to pay.
- Helpline Number, Taxi Number etc.
And Here is the poll :
[polldaddy poll=3213028]
its really an eye opener.. many of us hardly bother to take the print… i was not aware that the print is really a detailed one.. its helpful for those who have any confusion in paying the exact fare.
its really an eye opener.. many of us hardly bother to take the print… i was not aware that the print is really a detailed one.. its helpful for those who have any confusion in paying the exact fare.