LIC’s ENDOWMENT PLUS Plan was launched on 20th September 2010. This is particularly designed as per the recent guidelines of IRDA and aims to give best returns to the policyholders. This is a unit-linked product that gives investors an option of investment-cum-insurance during till the policy exists.
Endowment Plus Features :
- It is a Unit Linked Endowment plan.
- Minimum Risk Cover ¡s guaranteed.
- Entry age: 7 to 60 years
- Maturity Age: 18 to 70 years
- Term: 10 to 20 years.
- This plan has facility for Loan after 3 years from commencement.
- Partial Withdrawal is possible after 5 years from commencement.
- Plan can be availed on the life of a child, above the age of 7 years.
- It has 2 optional riders, which means extra protection.
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