Many a time you might have information about Pincode but not the exact area. Sometimes its the reverse, you might have information like state, district, post office but not pin code which leaves us in a difficult situation to find the location if you are sending a post or courier, its a good idea to verify the validity of Pincode. In this post, we will share how to find Pincode information in India.
India Post Pincode Tracker
India Post offers Pincode Finder especially useful if you need to find Pincode of a Post Office. It also provides the option to Download All India Pincode Directory and Village/Locality based Pincode
There is also an app for that which you can download from here.
Get Pin Code :
This service is straightforward to use. All you need is to type in your address, and it fetches the Pincode. It also shows related address which shares the same Pincode. You can add more keywords, e.g. Kolkata Alipore etc. It will search for Pincode for all of them. However, importance is more for Kolkata. So using Alipore, Kolkata is a better option.
Here are some examples:
- MG Road 400XYZ: Searches for all “MG Roads” with Pincode starting with 400 (Mumbai) in India
- The algorithm corrects spellings and changes words. For example “Andheri W” becomes “Andheri West”, or “Mombai” becomes “Mumbai.”
- Mumbai Nariman point collectors office assigns a low weight to the word Mumbai.
Maps of India
It provides a Pincode search tool which helps you find information based on the stated information. Select State, District, and area name. It will reveal the Pincode of that area. If you have the Pincode, you can use to reverse search for the area name.
Its pretty simple to use and when we tested it with a couple of known Pincodes gave the correct information. Also, you can use it to find district names in any particular state and post offices name of the area. Try Pincode search @ Maps of India
Overall, both the tools are an excellent resource to find information about Pincode or for reverse Pincode search. While these days Maps are best to search for anything, but if you need a related area with the same Pincode, you need a tool like this.