We have spoken about carrier services like Mentorpolis and Voicetap which help in having our carrier selection. But what about the selection of a right job? While on roles with a company can you ever think of trying or getting a chance for day for your dream job? Many of us are really not satisfied with our present job and think if we can try something different of our own choice. Every time we will get what we want is not necessary. At times we are afraid of changing or switching our jobs in a fear of not proving ourselves or being a failure.
Do you really want to experience your dream job before you finally decide? iReboot helps you in selecting your right job. Unlike in mentorpolis where initially you get in touch with your mentor via phone or web seminars, iReboot gives you the chance of undergoing a two day mentorship where you not only learns the pros and cons of your dream job but also “try on your dream job lifestyle”.
Founded in 2008 by Mukta Darera, the lady landed up with the aim of acting as a catalyst for the unsatisfied working lot. She wanted to rejuvenate this lot with a given chance of experiencing their job for a short duration and making a correct decision at a secure level.
iReboot even gives you few options to try with –
- Sound and Music
- Dance, Theatre and Media
- Travel, Writing and Events
- Fashion, Arts and Lifestyle
- Food and Medicine
- Sports and Fitness
- Micellaneous
- Photographer, Journalist and Travel Writer
Latest campaigns iReboot is planning of Discover your true career calling – Aug 7th and 8th, You can contact them at their page