This is an extremely useful set of phone numbers that any woman can be used at the time of distress or when you are in trouble. The list is prepared by Prajnya Trust. These numbers are of Social Welfare Society, or if you need to leave your daughter for a small duration safely, phone counseling, legal aid, psychiatric support and more. Here is the list of Helplines for Women in Chennai.
Helplines for Women in Chennai
The numbers and services include
- 24-Hour counseling
- Swadhar Greh for Women, Children for legal aid, medical aid
- Rehabilitation, short-stay shelter, legal clinic, family counseling, safe homes
- Rehabilitation for burns survivors
- Psychiatric support
Prajnya Trust had been helping Women for over a decade.
- Women’s rights and participation, gender equity and freedom from gender violence are central to the Politics, Security and Women Initiative.
- The Education for Peace Initiative brings these understandings to teaching and classroom practice, reaching out to teachers, children and parents alike.
You can always check for an updated list here. Via Abhishek