Indian Lingo and Slangs Dictionary: SlangMela

Slang is a very important part of any language, though it generally is produced by tweaking around the original words, but is damn important in sense that is it is actually the language of the masses, someone has rightly said –

“Slang is a poor man’s poetry”

While communicating if you are use typical words from the language, you might end up in a situation where you never wanted to be, and often funny as well. So, if you are ever stuck with some slang or typical Indian Lingo, here is something which will help you, SlangMela, an online resource, which is a dictionary of Indian Lingo and Slangs. SlangMela seems to be derived from Slang+Mela, Mela means Fair, and so, SlangMela probably refers to the Fair of Slangs.

Get to learn the Indian Lingo and Slang

At SlangMela you can get slangs used in different colleges and educational institutions like IIT Madras, IIM Ahmedabad, Doon School, IIT Bombay, BITS Pilani, IIT Delhi. You also have an option to learn and know about the typical local lingo of popular cities like Bangalore, Mumbai, Chennai, etc.

SlangMela also has a lovely collection of Munna Bhai jokes, popular Indian Movie Dialogues etc.

So, go ahead and Visit SlangMela, and improve your vocabulary of Slangs. It can also serve as time pass site to spend some leisure time.

Visit SlangMela, SlangMela is actually based in the concept of Wiki, so if you want you can request access and edit the pages to share your knowledge as well (obviously, your Slang Knowledge).

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