Today One of my Uncles received an email about the launch of the Official website of IREPS or the Indian Railway E-Procurement System, which has been set up at BlogSpot. Though it’s being said it’s newly launched, the blog has been there for a while, with a couple of posts published as updates.
The blog must have been established to increase the user engagement and, in turn, get some feedback from the current users and address users will issue on the procurement system.
Looking at it, it seems novice, and most probably, the guys behind it have a long way to make it look professional. In fact, a Twitter and Facebook account would have done a better job for them.
For IREPS users, the best would be to subscribe via email and give them feedback via comments; I am sure a bit of appreciation will encourage them. If you are not very happy with the current system, which could be OS compatibility or even browser issues, this is a good place to start with.
Below is what the email said :
Dear User,
We have launched a blog, ‘’ for Indian Railway E-Procurement System, dedicated to IREPS users.
Here you can find:
- Every news and updates related to
- Every news and updates related to e-tendering and e-auction.
You can post your comments on this blog if you:
- have any query related to e-tendering or e-auction are facing any problem in the e-tendering or e-auction process
- have any feedback/suggestion for improvement of the IREPS website and this blog
Now, post your query/problem/feedback/suggestion as a comment on relevant topics on this blog. We will resolve your issue(s) as soon as possible.
my digital signature is due for renewal and one to get it renew with a new primary user. So how can i change the primary user details?
yes very easy
I am an assistant helping contractors to load and cater the needs of contractors regarding IREPS portal wherein tenders quote their tenders and when ever required to update their profile, in spite of updating the profile and declaration submitted by them, the bills are not be passed, as they state that your profile has not been updated. I have enclosed the required what they needed in hard copy, yet they say it has not been updated. Hence, it is purely a bug or glitch which has to be looked into by CRIS or who so ever looking into the software both IREPS and IPass. I have sent letter to the Ministry of Railways, Secretary to Min of Railways, no updates or reply. Regarding bill only on passing of the Bill from the railways, GST could be arrived accurately, as there are many changes during passing of the bill like technically check, bill measurements etc., how could one pay in advance, and if there is any discrepancies, excess amount paid to the GSTN can be retrieved. Hope CRIS will and Ministry of Railways will look into the matter and thus update the portal to its customers as friendly user.
First you will have to get the original DSC renewed, then you will have to make another KEY for a new user and log in to the IREPS portal with the original renewal key and then go for the send user and update the DSC for loging in with all declaration needed by IREPS. You may have to give reasons for chnage of p[rimary user either though letter head or through affidavit.