Necessary health checkup Women should get done

Women are the pillar of any family. They contribute a lot to society, her own house and of course, to the nation. But we, the women, always tend to ignore our health very often. It may be due to lack of time, many times due to our lethargy and more often than not because we don’t take it seriously. Apart from our house and family, we should take care of yourself. Here is some necessary health checkup for women, which should be done.

Necessary health checkup Women should get done

Here are the top five tests every woman should get done. Some of them are to be done regularly, while some need regular monitoring

  1. Breast Cancer
  2. Cervical cancer
  3. Blood Cholesterol test
  4. Bone mineral density test
  5. STD screening

1] Test to detect Breast cancer

Women HealthEvery day we heard about Breast cancer and the number of continue increasing in India. So to prevent it, we have two types of tests to be examined. The first one is for the women at the age of 20, can do a self-examination of breast and continue once a month. Examining your breast regularly allows you to be aware of what feels normal and what does not. If you feel any unusual symptoms like swelling, dimpling, any redness, pain or nipple discharging, or other variation, consult your doctor immediately.

You can also choose for Mammogram test. It is a high-resolution x-ray of the breast that is designed to detect Breast cancer. The test uses a special x-ray machine to take pictures of both breasts. The results are recorded on x-ray film or directly onto a computer for a radiologist to examine.

Every woman who turns 40 should have a mammogram once in a year. The range of this test will be around  Rs.2500-3500. It is on top of the list of health checkups for Women.

2] Test to detect Cervical cancer

Cervical cancer has affected many Indian women. Cervix cancer is a disease that affects the cervix in the female reproductive system. The cervix is the lower part of the uterus that connects the vag*** with the uterus

Pap Smear test is the test, which is helpful in detecting cervical cancer. The analysis may be performed once in three years. The cost of this test will around Rs. 1500-2200.

3] Blood Cholesterol test:

The screening for blood cholesterol test should begin at the age of 40 and repeated every five years. It determines whether you have high blood cholesterol or not, which leads to heart disease. A fasting lipoprotein profile is a specific type of cholesterol screening. It measures HDL And LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

4] Bone mineral density test

I heard many times women at the age of  45 or more having the complaint of joint pains, weak Bone, etc. To avoid these problems, the doctor recommends a bone mineral density test for women who are 40 years old and above who have sustained a fracture. This test is also recommended if you are at an increased risk due to a particular health problem or any other bone loss. It includes rental disease and hypothyroidism.

5] STD screening

STD means “sexually transmitted disease.” Some of the adult diseases doesn’t have any symptoms at an early stage. STD screening, help in detecting those sexual diseases. These tests can be performed during your annual gyno exam.

Every woman should pay attention to their health also, as it

1 thought on “Necessary health checkup Women should get done”

  1. Prevention is better than cure ! Article is most welcome. Families where Exchanging such views in this article are taboo should shun at once and discuss openly to stop sufferings and reduce to zero the mortality rates and increase the healthy living rates.

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