Plan your Delhi Metro travel with Interactive Route Map

If you are Planning to visit New Delhi in upcoming Common Wealth Games, Metro is the best way which will keep you off from heavy traffic which is already expected in October, but taking a Printed Map might not be your taste. Good news is that you Delhi metro or DMRC provides an Interactive Map which gives you clear idea on router, lines ( ) and calculate the fare you will be charged between destinations you choose.

Delhi Metro Route Map

You can drag the map in any direction and to calculate the fare just click to select two stations and it will let you know the fare. It also points out where you need to change the line from blue to red to yellow if your destination doesn’t fall in the same route.

Changing Stations in Between

The only thing missing in this map is an option to print the route of my travel. So users might have to just print it out by taking screenshots. Else the job done here is awesome.

Alternative you can use the Google Maps on mobile which have Delhi metro timing and destinations already available. All you need is to type start and destination place and it will include Metro as one of the part of travel.

Thanks Mohit & Kanyam

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