TRAI Instructs Operators not to Reject Porting Request for Small Unpaid Bills

After MNP was introduced, rejection of the request after one has requested for the porting number was and is common. One of the common reason why customers are being rejected is Outstanding amount where the post paid customers are mostly getting into trouble.

How Consumers  MNP Request were rejected

  • You will be surprised to know that some of the outstanding amount were Rs 0.13, 0.70 and 1.50 which was drawn as adjustments from previous bill and only showed up at time of porting.
  • Process of giving green signal is so slow that even when a payment is cleared, validity of the Porting code expires. This costs money to the consumer and many believe that it is done on purpose by the operator.
  • Porting request was rejected because consumer has of Vanity Number or Premium  number.

TRAI Instructions to Operator

Seems like lot of complaints was made and all these issues came into notice of TRAI and they have issued  guidelines to be followed by the operators. The porting request cannot be rejected in following cases :

  • The outstanding payment due from the subscriber, in the previous paid bill, is less than rupees ten which the service providermay include in the subsequent bill of the subscriber without any penal charges.
  • On the ground of subsisting contractual obligation except in the case of :
  • (i) the post paid connection with bundled handset with contractual obligation having exit clause and the subscriber has not complied, with the same.
  • and(ii) corporate connection with contractual obligation havingan exit clause and the subscriber has not complied with the same.

TRAI Updated Guidelines on Rejection of Porting Request


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