Vodafone Launching 3G Next Week : Plan Rates

Got a call from Vodafone Representative and he said that Vodafone will launch 3G next week and they are calling all special customers to tell this. Below are the details of the plan he told me about :

  • 899 Unlimited
  • 699 15 Gb
  • 499 10 Gb

3G USB Stick will cost INR 1600 which has Dual Boot Switch and supports upto 3.6 mpbs. He also said that Vodafone will reshuffle all their Internet Plan next week.

As of now looks like vodafone has the cheapest 3G plan. What do you say ?

Update : Vodafone has just launched their 3G FAQ Page and the service will be launching 3G services in India by Q1 2011 (Jan, Feb, Mar).

Vodafone 3G

17 thoughts on “Vodafone Launching 3G Next Week : Plan Rates”

  1. Oh Well , I bet they will start the Broad Bandwidth (7.2Mbps) Right a few days after my marriage 😛

  2. hello..Im having vodaphone 3g stick which is presently working in 2g spectrum.
    Im in Rajasthan so can you tell me that after launch of 3g I would get 3g service?
    because vodafone circle does not include Rajasthan.
    Thank you.

  3. Will the 3G be launched only at big cities like Delhi, Calcutta, etc or all over India???? Will it be at Bhubaneswar???? Any Info Chacha???

  4. But i m optimistic…it will come to Orissa soon…And with DOCOMO launching 3G, other 3G networks will surely face huge and stiff competetion.. AIRTEL is also going to have 3G soon as I ve heard frm somewhere. Anyways HAPPY DIWALI!!!

  5. @Naam main kya rakha hai –means if you are impotent then Vodafone will not launch 3G????????

  6. Hi I am using the Voda 3G Data card stick, but its running on 2G since one month.
    I am in Delhi circle, any idea on when they are starting 3G service?

  7. can you tell me date of launch 3g in gujrat (ahmedabad),? because number of company launch 3g before vodafone then what’s problem with vodafone launch by 3g.

  8. * 899 Unlimited
    * 699 15 Gb
    * 499 10 Gb

    These are no 3G plans! These are Vodafone 2G/EDGE teriffs! I am using it. Waiting for 3G to launch!

    Anyway 3G teriffs will not be that cheap mind it guys!

  9. Anmol, Vodafone got 3G license for 9 circles – Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai & Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh (East) and West Bengal. So nope nothing for Bhubaneshwar.

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