If you would like to watch out the Sensex, BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange), NSE, MCX, NCDEX Scripts Rates live for free, Chirayu Software is giving out their software Market Watch showing you real-time data of scripts.
Watch Sensex BSE, NSE, MCX, NCDEX Scripts Live for Free
Features of Marketwatch software:
- Buying Quantity
- Buying Rate
- Selling Rate
- Selling Quantity
- % Change
- Last Trading Price
- Net Change, High, Low
- Total Turn Over Quantity and weighted average
- Free World Live Marketwatch.
- Live Streaming Quotes.
- Virtual Stock Trading Game.
- Get Live stock quotes of BSE scrips.
- Get Live stock quotes of NSE scrips.
- Get Live stock quotes of MCX scrips.
- Get Live stock quotes of NCDEX scrips.
- Get Live stock quotes of COMEX Gold and Silver.
- Buy and Sell Shares — Master the art of Trading.
- TWS/ODIN Terminal look alike.
- Live Graph of all scrips and Sensex
- Create Custom Portfolio.
- Allows you to search and add scrips.
- Terminal like graphical user interface.
- Real-time quotes of scrips.
- Free BSE / NSE Intraday and Delivery Tips.
Also, you can create live charts on demand by selecting any of the scripts or the Sensex.
In case there are multiple users in your office or at home, you can take advantage of multiple profiles. You can have a different set of scripts for each which can be saved. Also, you can add Scripts, Sort them according to the factors mentioned above.
So if you want to track your scripts and dont need much of other functionality like top 5 scripts, best selling script etc. This free software is more than enough for you.
Download Market Watch @ Chirayu Software Solutions.
Thanks to Mahesh for pointing this to me.
Hi Ashish,
Thanks for writing about my software,
I wanted your sugesstions for improving this software.
Can you send in ur comments.
Thanking you,
my number is 9879625676