Pune and Kochi will be the new teams included during the IPL 4. The official name of the Pune Team is Sahara Pune Warriors. Sahara Pune Warriors recently announced the popular Indian Batsman Yuvraj Singh as the Captain of the Team.
Other players in the Sahara Pune Warrior team are Ashish Nehra, Robin Uthappa, Murali Karthik, Graeme Smith, Callum Ferguson, Angelo Mathews, NathanMcCullum, Jesse Ryder, Mitchell Marsh, Tim Paine, Jerome Taylor, Wayne Parnell, etc.
The decision of taking Yuvraj Singh as the Captain is probably the reason that he has experience of leading the team in the IPL. We wish all the Luck to Sahara Pune Warriors. Excitement begins on April 8, 2011.